
The Typical False Allegations You Will Face in a Custody Case

By Oscar McAlister posted 05-03-2021 00:00


Divorces can get quite a messy affair for some, and these typically arise with the child/ children’s custody after both partners choose to go separate ways. The sourness can sometimes come from one partner or both, and either way, this is enough to create hurdles in divorce processes and can take much longer.


False allegations and blames are often used to take the child’s custody. If you anticipate this could be your case, too, prepare yourself to face this long battle with courage. 


Allegations of an unfit parent 


Your partner could make many allegations to claim the custody of children. Typically, it could begin with trying to prove that you’re not a good parent and narrate some episodes where you may have made mistakes. This is a situation where you need to stay strong.


Make the right decisions and instead of fighting your partner, opt to take the legal methods to take care of such situations. Look for child support mediation, a legal procedure that gets both parents to make a decision, avoiding ugly situations. CW Martin Law Firm offers such bundled services that can help you plan how to want to fight your legal case. 


Allegation of abuse to child 


Another typical false allegation could be where a partner makes allegations and blames the other parent for child abuse. They may state times when you have raised your voice or hands-on kids. These scenarios can get quite ugly.


In some cases, partners have gone to the extent of pressing charges to make their case stronger and put the other person in a bad light. If you are caught in such a situation, fight the case and do not let these get in your head. Take the legal help you need, and do not give up till you solve this and win rightful custody. 


Allegations of sexual abuse 


Yes, some can go to this extent as well, all in an attempt to get the child’s custody. A typical allegation is where the parent is deemed unfit to seek custody as they have made claims of sexual abuse on the child. These are troublesome situations and affect your mental state quite a lot. 


These usually come from a situation where the partner is accusing you severely and wants legal action to punish you. All this can affect one’s reputation and in the court of law, this might sometimes change your life. It is very important to have a good divorce lawyer who can avoid or counter such allegations. 


Allegations of drug intake/abuse 


Partners also make false allegations on the partner regarding the use of drugs, its addiction, and how you have been a bad partner and parent. These false allegations are yet another attempt to prove you guilty in the eyes of the law. Fake track records, exaggerated narrations of scenarios are all ways to build a strong case. 


If you find yourself in a similar situation, focus your attention on proving what is right, and you will win the custody of your child. You have to be strong and fight for your child to get justice with you, for their future is in your hands to protect. 


Allegations for negligence 


A common tactic of all, partners sometimes to prove their ego and rightfulness they can go ahead to make blames that you have been negligent towards the child, and report cases where they may try to prove your absence of mind, carelessness and how all of this can affect your child’s life.


The truth is that you, on the other side, are a good parent and you cannot let this go. The impacts on children in such cases are massive, and with kids being younger, it becomes even more important to protect their mental health. 

